Kamis, 26 April 2012

Tips Menjawab Soal SNMPTN

Sebentar lagi SNMPTN 2012 akan berlangsung. Sebelum ke 'medan perang', tentu kita perlu senjata dan strategi bukan? Senjata tentu saja persiapan dengan belajar, sedangkan strategi disini bagaimana cara paling efektif dalam menjawab soal-soal.

Bentuk-bentuk soal SNMPTN
  1. Pilihan ganda
    Seperti biasa, ada pilihan dari A-E.
    Gerakan reformasi di Indonesia memaksa presiden Soeharto meletakkan jabatannya pada tanggal...
    A. 20 Mei 1997
    B. 21 Mei 1998
    C. 24 Juni 1998
    D. 24 Juli 1999
    E. 20 Juli 1999
    Jawaban: B
  2. Pilihan 1, 2, 3, 4
    Diberikan soal beserta 4 pernyataan, cara menjawabnya:
    (A) Jika pernyataan 1, 2, dan 3 benar
    (B) Jika pernyataan 1 dan 3 benar
    (C) Jika pernyataan 2 dan 4 benar
    (D) Jika pernyataan 4 saja yang benar
    (E) Jika semua pernyataan benar
    Zat-zat tersebut masuk bahan pengawet...
    (1) gula
    (2) garam dapur
    (3) sendawa
    (4) anti oksidan
  3. Sebab-akibat.
    Bentuknya "Pernyataan-SEBAB-Alasan".
    Diberikan bentuk pernyataan seperti contoh dibawah, cara menjawabnya:
    (A) Jika pernyataan pertama dan kedua adalah benar serta berhubungan (pernyataan kedua menyebabkan pernyataan pertama)
    (B)  Jika pernyataan pertama dan kedua adalah benar tapi tidak berhubungan (pernyataan kedua tidak menyebabkan pernyataan pertama)
    (C) Jika pernyataan pertama benar sedangkan pernyataan kedua salah
    (D) Jika pernyataan pertama salah sedangkan pernyataan kedua benar
    (E) Jika kedua pernyataan salah
    Sinar alpha memiliki daya tembus yang lebih besar daripada sinar beta.
    Massa partikel alpha lebih besar daripada partikel beta.
Trik untuk menjawab soal bentuk ke-2

Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat berjuang! :D

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Selamat Merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432 Hijriah


Setelah sidang Itsbat, akhirnya pemerintah menetapkan bahwa 1 Syawal 1432 H jatuh pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2011. Saya beserta keluarga besar mengucapkan "Selamat merayakan hari raya Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir dan batin."

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Review: PIXresizer

Punya kesulitan ukuran (width dan height) foto? Atau sebenernya bisa tapi ribet? Gak perlu pikir panjang lagi, ada aplikasi simple yang bener-bener gak bikin ribet. Namanya PIXresizer. Selain bisa merubah ukuran gambar, bisa juga mengubah format nya.

Kelebihannya yang lain adalah bisa mengubah banyak file sekaligus. Tinggal buat satu folder berisi seluruh foto/gambar yang mau dirubah ukuran dan/atau formatnya, pilih 'Work with multiple files', lalu atur sendiri sesuai kemauan Anda.

Bisa juga digunakan sebagai image optimizer karena kita bisa merubah ukuran dan format gambar nya sehingga size nya tidak terlalu besar hingga membuat website kita terkesan lambat, seperti yang baru saja saya lakukan :)
Silakan download aplikasinya disini: http://pixresizer.en.softonic.com/
Akhir kata, semoga bermanfaat :D

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Blog Redirected to Hotlinkfiles

After a looong hybernation, this blog finally is 'alive', again :D
What made me vacuum posting to this blog is because it strangely has been directed to a website for a couple of days, Hotlinkfile - Hotlinkfiles and Bandwidth Theft. Some informations about Hotlinkfiles: HotlinkFiles on Aboutus. It's a kind of malware for short. I have just realized that there must've been an unknown link to redirect my blog to an ad like that. Okay, off to the topic, if you are experiencing the same problem, then just do what I did:
  1. Go to your blog's Dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML 
  2. Hit ctrl+f (Find) and then type 'hotlinkfiles'
  3. You'll find a script pretty much like this: <script src='LINK TO A SCRIPT ON HOTLINKFILES' type='text/javascript'/>
  4. Now delete that single script/link
  5. Blogger might asked you to delete/keep a widget related to the script, but just delete it anyway, if you find it to be not really important. (in my case, it's obviously an unknown script I've never wanted)
There you go, your website should be 'alive' again.
Have a nice day :)

Jumat, 22 April 2011

UberSocial Shortcuts For Blackberry

Shortcuts for QWERTY keyboards:

C – If highlighted tweet is a reply, this will show the conversation
Q – Move to the next unread message, wraps to top
I – Sends to instapaper if you have set it up in Options
U – update
R- Reply
E- Reply
T- Top
B – Bottom
Space – Pg Dn
Shift-Space – Pg Up
0 (zero) – Pg Up
F – Follow
P – refresh
O – refresh
L – ReTweet
K – Reply to All
A – Account Screen
D – Direct Message
S- Search
V- Favorite
Z – Email the current tweet
Shift-x – Exit/Shutdown ÜberSocial

Shortcuts for touchscreens :

Swipe East - Move to the top of the timeline
Swipe West - Move to the bottom of the timeline
Double Tap - Opens the Uber bar if it is hidden

Source: http://bb.ubersocial.com/bb/help.php?screen=timeline

Or you can open 'helps' in ÜberSocial.
Hope this helps ;)

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

How to Blog From Mobile Devices For Blogger

Are you a blogger? A blogger user? Then you might be willing to blog from your mobile devices like phone, or smart phone such as BlackBerry, Iphone, etc? If you said 'Yes' then this post is right for you.
Here is how to set it:
1. Login to your blogger account
2. Click Setting --> Email
3. There will be some field you have to fill, especially the field where you are supposed to enter a secret word that is your key to posting from mobile devices.
4. Save setting, and you're done.

Whenever you want to post something to your blog, you only need to send an email to the email address (username.secretwords@blogger.com). Yes, it's as simple as that! :D
The only thing is that it can't add labels.

Okay, so I've just learnt something new. It's not because it's too short as what I said in my previous post (that has been deleted), but it's just because I wrote a hashtag end there after the word 'add', so that's why it stopped ('#'+ 'end').

For blackberry users, add '#'+ 'end' in the end of your post so that a signature from your email saying 'Sent from my BlackBerry®'. If this works, you shouldn't see that in my post.

P.S: This post is posted from my device, so if you can read this, that means it works ;)
Try this '

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